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Problemas de uso com assinaturas compradas na App Store

Some users can’t use their AdGuard VPN subscription purchased through the App Store. Esse problema pode ocorrer em dois casos:

  • if an incorrect Apple ID was used for this App Store purchase
  • or if you hid your email address from app developers

Para resolver esse problema, siga estas etapas:

  1. Go to iOS Settings → [your Apple ID name]Media & PurchasesView Account.
  2. Make sure that the email address matches the one you use for your Apple ID.
  3. If the email addresses do not match, please email to describe your problem and provide us with the address used for the App Store.
  4. If the email addresses match, navigate to Apple IDiCloudHide My Email, find our app in the list, copy the email address, and send it to along with a description of your problem. Usually, such an email address ends with or

Once the support team has the email address you used for the purchase, they’ll transfer your subscription to the correct account and you’ll be able to start using it. They also may ask for additional information to verify that it’s you. Você pode fornecer à equipe de suporte o recibo de compra da Apple para ajudar a acelerar o processo.