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일반적인 설치 프로그램 오류

This article outlines some of the most common errors you may encounter while installing AdGuard VPN for Windows and possible ways to resolve them.

오류 5: 액세스 거부

This error message appears if required permissions are not granted. AdGuard VPN 설치 프로그램에 설치 프로세스를 제대로 완료하는 데 필요한 권한이 없는 데는 여러 가지 이유가 있을 수 있습니다. 다음 단계를 시도하세요.

  • 바이러스 백신을 일시적으로 비활성화하세요. Some of them may interfere with the installation, depending on the restrictiveness of their settings.

  • 다른 설치 폴더를 선택하세요. 현재 설치 폴더에 일부 액세스 제한이 있을 수 있습니다. 또한 외장 드라이브, 가상 드라이브 등을 선택하지 않았는지 확인하세요.

  • 컴퓨터를 다시 시작하세요. 때때로 권한 문제는 일시적이며 PC를 다시 시작하여 해결할 수 있습니다.

오류 112: 디스크가 꽉 찼습니다. 오류 1632: 임시 폴더가 꽉 찼거나 액세스할 수 없습니다.

These are two different errors with very similar solutions. As their names suggest, AdGuard VPN installer didn't find enough disk space to complete the installation. There are several things you can attempt to fix the problem:

  • AdGuard VPN을 설치하려고 했던 드라이브에서 일부 프로그램을 제거하거나 불필요한 파일을 삭제하세요.

  • Malwarebytes의 무료 소프트웨어인 AdwCleaner를 다운로드, 설치 및 실행하세요. It will, among other things, clean your system from all kinds of extra "leftover" files that remain after incorrectly uninstalled programs and such. It will help clean up some disk space.

  • Reboot your computer. Sometimes temporary files can take up a considerable amount of disk space, and restarting your PC is the most reliable way to get rid of them.

Error 1601: Windows Installer is not accessible

You could say this is a particular subtype of Error 1603. The possible solutions are similar:

  • Start and re-register Microsoft Installer service. It requires some work.

    1. Press Win + R and enter services.msc.
    2. Find in the list and double click Windows Installer.
    3. Hit Start button under Service status and hit OK. If the service status is running, you should click Stop first and then hit Start.
    4. Press Win + R, type msiexec /unregister and hit Enter.
    5. Press Win + R again, type msiexec /regserver and hit Enter
  • Reboot the PC and start the installation all over again. Sometimes that's enough to fix the problem.

Error 1602: Canceled by user

If you got this error code, chances are you have interrupted the installation process manually in one way or another. What you can do is:

  • Do not close the installer window. When the installation is complete, it will close automatically.

  • If a dialogue window pops up during the installation, hit "Yes" to grant the installer the required permissions. Clicking "No" will cancel the installation.

  • Do not start other processes while the installation is in progress.

Error 1603: Fatal error during installation

This error sounds more worrying than it actually is. In reality, this is a rather generic error that can have many different causes, and some of them are easily fixed. Try the following solutions:

  • Press the Win key, search for Command Prompt, and run it. There, type in sfc /scannow and press Enter.

  • Choose a different installation folder. It is possible that the current installation folder has some access restrictions. Also make sure you don't select an external drive, a virtual drive, etc.

  • Uninstall AdGuard VPN using our special uninstall tool and then repeat the installation.

  • Start and re-register Microsoft Installer service. It requires some work.

    1. Press Win + R and enter services.msc.
    2. Find in the list and double click Windows Installer.
    3. Hit Start button under Service status and hit OK. If the service status is running, you should click Stop first and then hit Start.
    4. Press Win + R, type msiexec /unregister and hit Enter.
    5. Press Win + R again, type msiexec /regserver and hit Enter
  • Acquire full permissions on the drive for installation. It is possible that the error 1603 occurs because you don’t have full permissions on the file location. It's also not as easy as some of the other solutions:

    1. Open File Explorer, right-click the drive containing the installation location, and select Properties.
    2. Go to Security tab and click Edit.
    3. Single-click SYSTEM and ensure that the Allow box of every item in Permissions for SYSTEM is checked (if it is checkable). Do the same check for Administrators.
    4. Click OK to go back to Properties dialog. Then click Advanced.
    5. Click Change Permissions.
    6. In Permissions tab, double-click Administrators.
    7. Select This folder, subfolders and files for the Applies to field and tick all the available Basic permissions. After that hit OK.
    8. Do the same operation above (from item 7) for SYSTEM.
    9. Click OK all the way out. Try installing AdGuard again.

Error 1618: Another installation is already in progress

This error appears when trying to run multiple instances of the AdGuard VPN installer simultaneously. What to do if you get this error:

  • Reboot your PC and start the installer again. When you restart the computer, all ongoing processes will stop, including all copies of the installer.

  • Don't click the installer multiple times, even if it doesn't seem to start right away. Sometimes it may take a few seconds to display the installer UI.

Error 1638: Another version of this product is already installed

It's very likely that you've already installed AdGuard VPN before.

  • Check if AdGuard VPN is already installed on your computer. To do that, press the Win key and start typing adguard vpn.

  • Maybe there are some leftover files from a previous AdGuard VPN installation. Uninstall AdGuard using our special uninstall tool and then repeat the installation.

Other errors

If you have encountered an error that's not listed above, it is possible that we can solve it by ourselves. But in order to do that, we need log files from you. Please perform the following steps:

  • Find and archive AdGuard VPN installation logs in the same way that is described in this article.

  • Find and save to disk the Event Viewer logs. This article explains how to do that.

Please email all these files from the two previous steps at support@adguard.com and describe the problem in the message body. Our support team will reply to you as soon as possible.