

AdGuard VPN Browser Extension is available for Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Edge. UIや機能はブラウザによって異なることはないので、以下の概要・説明は、全ブラウザのAdGuard VPN拡張機能に当てはまるるものです。


You can only use AdGuard VPN Browser Extension when logged in. Sign in with your AdGuard account or via Google, Facebook, or Apple. In the latter case make sure that your account is bound to the same email address as your AdGuard account. If you have an AdGuard VPN subscription, it will be activated automatically in AdGuard VPN Browser extension. Don’t have an AdGuard account yet? Create it here.

To manage your AdGuard VPN Browser Extension:

  • Either click its icon on the browser's panel, click the hamburger menu icon, and select Settings,
  • Or go to the Manage extensions page in your browser, click Details below AdGuard VPN and manage its settings from there.

Once done, you'll see several tabs on the left:


A few important settings are gathered inside this tab. Here you can choose a DNS server to use, add or remove the AdGuard VPN icon from the browser’s context menu, block WebRTC, change the extension's theme, and allow AdGuard to gather anonymous crash reports and technical data.


By default, the system DNS server provided by your ISP is selected, but it may compromise your privacy. With AdGuard VPN Browser extension, you can select a DNS server that provides better speed and security, and even blocks ads or potentially dangerous domains. Brief descriptions under the names of DNS servers will help you navigate and make your decision.

Learn more about DNS servers from various providers.


The next tab contains one of the main distinctive features of AdGuard VPN — two modes with separate exclusion lists.

In General mode, AdGuard VPN by default works on all websites, with the exception of the websites you've added to the exclusions list. In Selective mode, vice versa, AdGuard VPN by default doesn't work anywhere. You can add any websites where you'd like it to work to an exclusions list, separate from the one you saw in the General mode.

When adding a website to an exclusion list, you can enter the website manually or select the From the list option. In the latter case, you’ll see eight categories (for example, Shopping or Messengers), each suggesting several popular services. You can exclude any of these services in one click. This will add all domains relevant to that specific service to exclusions.


Not only can you add and remove websites, you can also transfer ready exclusions lists to other devices where AdGuard VPN is installed. To export your exclusions list, follow the 4-step instruction below:

  1. 除外リストのエクスポート元となる端末で AdGuard VPN を開きます。 該当するセクションで「対象外リストをエクスポート」ボタンをクリックします。 exclusions.zip というアーカイブがダウンロードされます。
  2. There are two .txt files inside the archive, one for each of the General and Selective lists. アーカイブのファイルに、さらに除外項目を追加したり、既存のものを削除したり、ファイル名を変更したり、そのままにしておいたり、自由にカスタマイズできます。
  3. 異なる端末間で除外リストを移行する場合は、インポート先端末に .zip ファイルを転送することを忘れずに。
  4. インポート先端末でAdGuard VPNを開きます。 該当するセクション([ブラウザ拡張機能の場合]「VPN対象外リスト」画面右上の「アクション」)で「対象外リストをインポート」ボタンを押して、アーカイブファイルを選びます。 完了です。


The third tab of AdGuard VPN Browser extension is utterly minimalistic, containing only the email address you used to sign into your account and two buttons, Manage and Sign out. Clicking the Manage button takes you to your personal AdGuard account, where you can see all your current licenses and subscriptions, as well as devices connected to them.


You can find answers to common questions in the FAQ section, or leave feedback: report a bug if something isn't working as it should, suggest adding a new feature, or discuss AdGuard on any of the many social media platforms.

AdGuard VPNについて

Another minor tab, where you can check the extension's version, visit the official website, and view the EULA or Privacy policy.