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You can manage AdGuard VPN for Linux settings from the command line. To view the current configuration, type:

adguardvpn-cli config show

VPN mode: TUN or SOCKS5

You can choose how AdGuard VPN routes traffic.

To set the default tunnel mode, type:

adguardvpn-cli config set-mode TUN

To set the SOCKS5 mode, type:

adguardvpn-cli config set-mode SOCKS

To set the SOCKS5 port, type:

adguardvpn-cli config set-socks-port <port_number>

Replace <port_number> with the port you want to connect to.

DNS upstream address

To set a DNS upstream, type:

adguardvpn-cli config set-dns <server_address>

Replace <server_address> with the address of your DNS server. To use this DNS server at the system level, type:

adguardvpn-cli config set-system-dns on

No-route mode

This feature routes only your specified addresses through the VPN tunnel. To enable the no-route mode, type:

adguardvpn-cli config set-no-routes on

Crash reports

If you enable automatic crash reports, AdGuard VPN will notify the developers if something goes wrong. To enable the setting, type:

adguardvpn-cli config send-reports on

To disable it, set it to off.

Update channel

To change the update channel, type:

adguardvpn-cli config set-update-channel <channel>

Replace <channel> with release, beta, or nightly, depending on your preferences.


AdGuard VPN can show you hints after executing commands — for example, what to do next or how to fix an error. This setting is enabled by default but you can disable it by typing:

adguardvpn-cli config set-show-hints off

To re-enable it, replace off with on.

Debug logging

To report a bug, you may need to share debug logs with the developers or support team. To enable debug logging, type:

adguardvpn-cli config set-debug-logging on

Disable this setting after exporting logs.