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Cómo recopilar y enviar registros

Si encuentras algún problema al utilizar AdGuard VPN para iOS, puedes informarnos enviando los registros de la aplicación.

Recopilación y envío de registros estándar

By default, AdGuard VPN for iOS uses the Default logging level. It collects basic data about running app processes. Para enviar estos registros, siga los siguientes pasos:

  1. Connect to AdGuard VPN for iOS. If possible, repeat the actions that led to the error. Note the exact time when the error occurred (e.g., 15:35).

  2. Open AdGuard VPN and tap the Settings ⚙ icon in the lower right corner of the screen. Select Support, then tap Report a bug.

  3. En el formulario abierto, introduz tu dirección de correo electrónico para recibir comentarios y describe el error encontrado, incluyendo la hora en que se produjo. If you can’t reproduce the problem, specify as accurately as possible when it last occurred.

  4. Check the Send app logs and system info checkbox. When you send your report, your logs will be attached to it.

  5. Tap Send.


Si por alguna razón te resulta más cómodo enviarnos los registros de otra manera, puedes exportarlos tu mismo. To do this, go to SettingsGeneralAdvanced and tap Export logs and system info.

Collecting and sending detailed logs

In most cases, the default logging level is sufficient to track possible bugs. However, sometimes more detailed technical information about the device and connections may be required. In this case, our support team will ask you to enable the Extended or Extreme logging level. Para enviar este tipo de registros, siga estos pasos:

  1. Open AdGuard VPN for iOS and tap the Settings ⚙ icon in the lower right corner of the screen.

  2. Select General and then Advanced.

  3. In the Logging level section, select Extended or Extreme.

  4. Repeat the actions that led to the error and note the time when it occurred (e.g., 14:23).

  5. Vuelve a cambiar el nivel de registro a Predeterminado.

  6. Go back to Settings, tap Support and then Report a bug.

  7. In the opened form, enter your email address for feedback and describe the error found, including the exact time when this error occurred.

  8. Make sure that Send app logs and system info is checked and tap Send.


Si por algún motivo le resulta más cómodo enviarnos los logs de otra forma, puede exportarlos usted mismo. To do this, go to SettingsGeneralAdvanced and tap Export logs and system info.