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AdGuard DNS Client uses environment variables to store part of the configuration. The rest of the configuration is stored in the configuration file.


The log destination, must be an absolute path to the file or one of the special values.

  • syslog means that the platform-specific system log is used, which is syslog for Linux and Event Log for Windows.


    Log entries written to the system log are in text format and use the system timestamp.

  • stdout for standard output stream.

  • stderr for standard error stream.

  • Absolute path to the log file.

    Example: /home/user/logs.txt

    Example: C:\Users\user\logs.txt

This environment variable has priority over the log.output field in the configuration file.

Default: Unset.


The format for log entries. Valid formats are:

  • adguard_legacy
  • default
  • json
  • json_hybrid
  • text

This environment variable has priority over the log.format field in the configuration file.

Default: Unset.


When set to 1, log entries have a timestamp. When set to 0, log entries don’t have it.

This environment variable has priority over the log.timestamp field in the configuration file.

Default: Unset.


When set to 1, enable verbose logging. When set to 0, disable it.

This environment variable has priority over the log.verbose field in the configuration file.

Default: Unset.